Good evening! Rosters have been sent to coaches, and you should be hearing from them soon. Game schedules are done by coaches for...
We are looking for volunteers for board members! Specifically, we are looking for our next president to continue to grow this league!
Fall Ball Registration is Open until August 12th for All Programs from T-Ball through Babe Ruth (4 to 18 years of age). Sign in, o...
Be sure to check your e-mail for information on our Night Out!
Opening Day is right around the corner. Saturday April 13th at 8:30AM you should plan to start arriving. Ceremonies will start at ...
Picture Day is scheduled for Thursday April 11th, 2024 starting at 6:00PM. Picture forms will be going out to your coaches soon.
Today's Games are canceled due to weather.
Love the game and want to ensure that there are options for youth to play in the future? Join us! We are always looking for Coache...
The games scheduled for Wednesday Just 7th have been canceled due to poor air quality and will be rescheduled accordingly. Thank you!
Monroe Park Fields
Cramer Hill
Rancocas Valley Little League P.O. Box 816 Mount Holly, New Jersey 08060
Phone: 609-346-2176 Email: [email protected]